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Pandas - Rolling Average For A Group Across Multiple Columns; Large Dataframe

I have the following dataframe: -----+-----+-------------+-------------+-------------------------+ | ID1 | ID2 | Box1_weight | Box2_weight | Average Prev Weight ID1 | +-----+-----+

Solution 1:

Here is my attempt

stack the 2 ids and 2 weights columns to create dataframe with 1 ids and 1 weight column. Calculate the running average and assign back the running average for ID1 back to the dataframe

I have used your code of calculating rolling average but I arranged data to df2 before doing ti

import pandas as pd

d = {
    "ID1": [19,677,19,19,677],
    "ID2": [677, 19, 677,677, 19],
    "Box1_weight": [3,1,3,7,1],
    "Box2_weight": [2,0,1,0,3]

df = pd.DataFrame(d)

ids = df[["ID1", "ID2"]].stack().values
weights = df[["Box1_weight", "Box2_weight"]].stack().values

df2=pd.DataFrame(dict(ids=ids, weights=weights))

rolling_avg = df2.groupby("ids")["weights"] \
    .apply(lambda x: x.shift().rolling(period_length, min_periods=1)

df["rolling_avg"] = rolling_avg[:,0]



ID1 ID2 Box1_weight Box2_weight
0   19  677 3   2
1   677 19  1   0
2   19  677 3   1
3   19  677 7   0
4   677 19  1   3

ID1 ID2 Box1_weight Box2_weight rolling_avg
0   19  677 3   2   NaN
1   677 19  1   0   2.000000
2   19  677 3   1   1.500000
3   19  677 7   0   2.000000
4   677 19  1   3   0.666667

Solution 2:

Not sure if this is what you want. I had trouble understanding your requirements. But here's a go:

ids = ['ID1', 'ID2']
ind = np.argsort(df[ids].to_numpy(), 1)

make_sort = lambda s, ind: np.take_along_axis(s, ind, axis=1)

f = make_sort(df[ids].to_numpy(), ind)
s = make_sort(df[['Box1_weight', 'Box2_weight']].to_numpy(), ind)

df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate([f,s], 1), columns=df.columns)

res1 = df2.groupby('ID1').Box1_weight.rolling(3, min_periods=1).mean().shift()
res2 = df2.groupby('ID2').Box2_weight.rolling(3, min_periods=1).mean().shift()

means = pd.concat([res1,res2], 1).rename(columns={'Box1_weight': 'w1', 'Box2_weight': 'w2'})
x = df.set_index([df.ID1.values, df.index])

final = x[ids].merge(means, left_index=True, right_index=True)[['w1','w2']].sum(1).sort_index(level=1)

df['final_weight'] = final.tolist()

   ID1  ID2  Box1_weight  Box2_weight  final_weight
0   19  677            3            2      0.000000
1  677   19            1            0      2.000000
2   19  677            3            1      1.500000
3   19  677            7            0      2.000000
4  677   19            1            3      0.666667

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