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Real Difficulty Installing Nltk On Mac Os X 10.9

I'm new to Python/Mac OS and I'm looking to work through the NLTK textbook, but I'm having some problems installing it. I've been looking for solutions to this for a while now but

Solution 1:

For OS X El Captain do sudo pip install --upgrade nltk --ignore-installed six

Reimport nltk in python code afterwards

Solution 2:

If you are not able to install pip try: How do I install pip on macOS or OS X?

Then try running: pip install nltk

If that fails you might need to run: sudo pip install nltk

Once that is done you should be able to import nltk

I just installed nltk on mavericks so I can confirm that it works.

Solution 3:

I did it on Win 8 & 7 machine prior just fine, but just got a MacBookPro. You are right nothing is clear for Mac, and all you get half the time is arrogant answers from some of the people who do this for a living - not everyone can be a fulltime programmer you know. Any how I figured it out by watching this

  1. Download the developer kit
  2. install the dev kit
  3. open terminal
  4. Go to Home brew and scroll to the bottom of the page for the code
  5. Paste code into terminal
  6. Run Home Brew

Once you are up and running with homebrew and all the Dev kits are install the first unix/MAC NLTK instructions will work ( in homebrew.. I have no idea why they don't list this on the NLTK page itself. Very counterintuitive. If you need more specifics Watch this video - it was a savior

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