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Use Emacs(aquamacs) With Python 3.2

The default python version on mac osx snow leopard is python 2.6.1. I am learning python 3, so I have to change the interpreter. I have changed the setting in preference, so that i

Solution 1:

Python 3 does not have execfile(), so your emacs simply doesn't support Python 3.

Solution 2:

This is a longer answer, as I had to look into it.

  1. Python 3 will need to be installed on your system. I already installed HomeBrew, so this involved $ brew install python3. You can install with other methods as well.

  2. I use a virtualenv for Python 3. I make a virtualenv by using the virtualenv -P python3 myproj Aquamacs lets you M-x virtualenv-activate to set it.

  3. There were problems in the python-mode.el file, a lisp file hiding down in your /Applications/ Andreas Roehler patched the bug. If the main python-mode page is still on version 6.1.2, you download a new python-mode.elhere and copy it over your existing version.

Now it should work.

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