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Remove Numbers String Python

For my assignment, I have to create a function that returns a new string that is the same as the given string, but with digits removed. Example: remove digits(’abc123’) would r

Solution 1:

Use regex

import re
    string_no_numbers = re.sub("\d+", " ", str)
test('abc123') #prints abc

Solution 2:

Use this

string = ''.join([c for c instringif c notin"1234567890"])

Solution 3:

Your second solution is close:

def drop_digits(in_str):
    digit_list ="1234567890"forchar in digit_list:
        in_str = in_str.replace(char, "")

    return in_str

The original problem is that you return after replacing only the '1' chars.

You can also do this with a list comprehension:

return''.join([charforcharin in_str ifnotchar.isdigit()])

Solution 4:

You need to read up on some python basics. The "return" exits your function, so it will only ever modify one entry.

Here's a hint: replace str with an updated copy instead of returning it.

str = str.replace(ch, '')

Solution 5:

def test(string):
    return''.join((letter for letter in string if not letter.isdigit()))

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