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"ImportError: No Module Named Pwd" But It Exists

I'm trying to test gae-boilerplate locally, but when I try to create a new account the following error appears. The strange thing is that if I open python interpreter and type 'imp

Solution 1:

I believe this problem was introduced by an AppEngine SDK update. I'm currently using version 1.8.6. The gae-boilerplate README states that its been "Tested with SDK version 1.8.1"

I was able to run it locally by running <application root> is provided by the SDK and is located in the same directory as

Based on the traceback I got, it looks like the file boilerplate/external/requests/ imports netrc which imports pwd. The newer version of the SDK doesn't allow you to import the pwd module in its sandbox mode.

Solution 2:

You probably installed pycrypto with easy_install. If you reinstalling it with pip instead, everything should work:

pip uninstall pycrypto
pip install pycrypto

Note, pip uninstall works even though it was installed with easy_install. You also might need to use sudo.

If you don't have pip, install it like this:

sudo easy_install pip

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