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Removing Rows In Pandas Based On Multiple Columns

In Pandas, I have a dataframe with ZipCode, Age, and a bunch of columns that should all have values 1 or 0, ie: ZipCode Age A B C D 12345 21 0 1 1 1 12345 22 1 0 1 4 23456

Solution 1:

Use isin to test for membership and all to test if all row values are True and use this boolean mask to filter the df:

In [12]:

   ZipCode  Age  A  B  C  D
0    12345   21  0  1  1  1
2    23456   45  1  0  1  1

Solution 2:

You can opt for a vectorized solution:

In [64]: df[df[['A','B','C','D']].isin([0,1]).sum(axis=1)==4]

   ZipCode  Age  A  B  C  D
0    12345   21  0  1  1  1
2    23456   45  1  0  1  1

Solution 3:

Other two solutions works well but if you interested in speed you should look at numpy in1d function:

data=df.loc[:, 'A':]

In [72]:  df[np.in1d(data.values,[0,1]).reshape(data.shape).all(axis=1)]
   ZipCode  Age  A  B  C  D
0    12345   21  0  1  1  1
2    23456   45  1  0  1  1


In [73]: %timeit data=df.loc[:, 'A':]; df[np.in1d(data.values,[0,1]).reshape(data.shape).all(axis=1)]
1000 loops, best of 3: 558 us per loop

In [74]: %timeit df[df.ix[:,'A':].isin([0,1]).all(axis=1)]
1000 loops, best of 3: 843 us per loop

In [75]: %timeit df[df[['A','B','C','D']].isin([0,1]).sum(axis=1)==4]
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.44 ms per loop

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