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Newbie Python Error In Regards To Import

I'm a python newbie and starting out with using the Bottle web framework on Google App Engine. I've been messing with the super small, super easy Hello World sample and have alrea

Solution 1:

In your code you have two different ways of calling methods from bottle package.




First call requires from bottle import route or from bottle import * and second one requires import bottle.

from foo import bar is letting you to use method or parameter bar in your code without specifying the package on each call.

Solution 2:

Regarding why

from bottle import *

does not do the trick: when you import like that, only names that are specified in bottle's _____all_____ list are imported. So, if route is not there, you have to specify the import explicitly:

from bottle import route

Solution 3:

route is part of the bottle module.

The following should fix the problem

import bottle

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"


Solution 4:

You can either just import bottle into you namespace, so every time you wish to use something from there you have bottle. as a prefix.

import bottle
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import util 

def index():
    return "Hello World!"


The other way is to import the parts of bottle you are going to use into your namespace.

from bottle import route, default_app
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import util 

def index():
    return "Hello World!"


Solution 5:

I too learned to use Bottle with GAE, because of its very small size. What you can do is keep bottle directly with your main files, that will allow you to use 'import bottle', or put in a folder (to separate it from other files, give a neat structure), and add an empty file to that folder. Then you can import it as import bottle from <foldername> and so on. I wrote a small tutorial on how to use Bottle with GAE.

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