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Switching Python Version Installed By Homebrew

I have Python 3.8 and 3.9 installed via Homebrew: ~ brew list | grep python python@3.8 python@3.9 I want to use Python 3.9 as my default one with python3 command. I tried the foll

Solution 1:

There is an Homebrew known issue related to side by side install of Python 3.8 / 3.9. To workaround, following commands should work for you:

brew unlink python@3.9
brew unlink python@3.8
brew link --force python@3.9

Re-opening your terminal or execute command rehash can be required to take account the change.

Solution 2:

Use pyenv. It's a software that lets you switch between any and all Python versions installed on your system. To install pyenv, use the following code in the command-line:

curl | bash
exec $SHELL

Then find the name of the python version you want to switch to with this:

pyenv versions

And select it with this:

pyenv global <version-name>

In your case, it's most likely named 3.9.0.

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