Illegal Instruction: 4 Error When Running Any Tensorflow Program
Solution 1:
OK If you have the 2.66 GHz version that seems to me to be the the Arrendale architecture released 2010 in which case there is absolutely no chance it's going to work since that thing doesn't have AVX instructions as needed by the latest binaries of tensor flow.
Unless your CPU is Sandy Bridge or newer (so AVX instructions)
your options are:
1) get a newer CPU 2) install an older version of tensor flow 3) compile tensor flow from source
for downgrade version see. Illegal instruction(core dumped) tensorflowIllegal instruction when import tensorflow in Python
EDIT It seems that although all Core (i3, i5, i7) and Xeon CPU Sandy Bridge and newer support AVX, this is not true of Celron, nor Pentium CPU's to this day, as of 2018. Check what the machine contains if buying hardware.
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