Is It Possible To Split A String On Multiple Delimiters In Order?
I know how to split a string based on multiple separators using re as in this question: Split Strings with Multiple Delimiters?. But I'm wondering how to split a string using the o
Solution 1:
If I understand what you're asking, you just want a series of string partition
operations: first partition
on the first separator, then the second, etc to the end.
Here's a recursive method (which doesn't use re):
def splits(s,seps):
l,_,r = s.partition(seps[0])
iflen(seps)== 1:
return [l,r]
return [l] + splits(r,seps[1:])
a ='hello^goo^dbye:cat@dog'
Out[7]: ['hello', 'goo^dbye', 'cat', 'dog']
Solution 2:
I believe your question is severely under-specified, but at least this gives the result you want in the example you gave:
def split_at_most_once_each_and_in_order(s, seps):
result= []
start=0for sep in seps:
i = s.find(sep, start)
if i >=0:
result.append(s[start: i])
start= i+1
if start< len(s):
print split_at_most_once_each_and_in_order(
"hello^goo^dbye:cat@dog", "^:@")
That returns ['hello', 'goo^dbye', 'cat', 'dog']
. If you absolutely want to "be clever", keep looking ;-)
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