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Installing Scrapy-python And Easy_install On Windows 7

I'm trying to install Scrapy on windows 7. I'm following these instructions: I’ve downloaded and installed python-2

Solution 1:

Scrapy doesn't work with Python 3 as mentioned in their FAQ

you should install Python 2.7

Solution 2:

ur is python2 syntax you are trying to install an incompatible package meant for python2 not python3:

_ajax_crawlable_re = re.compile(ur'<meta\s+name=["\']fragment["\']\s+content=["\']!["\']/?>')
                                 ^^ python2 syntax

Also pip is installed by default for python3.4

Solution 3:

Step By Step way to install scrapy on Windows 7

  1. Install Python 2.7 from Python Download link (Be sure to install Python 2.7 only because currently scrapy is not available for Python3 in Windows)
  2. During pyhton install there is checkbox available to add python path to system variable click that option. Otherwise you can add path variable manually. You need to adjust PATH environment variable to include paths to the Python executable and additional scripts. The following paths need to be added to PATH C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts\;windows add path variable

If you have any other problem in adding path variable please refer to this link 3. To update the PATH open a Command prompt in administration mode and run: :\python27\python.exe c:\python27\tools\scripts\ the command prompt window and reopen it so changes take effect, run the following command, to check ever thing added to path variable. python -–version which will give output as Python 2.7.12 (your version might be different than mine) pip --version which will give output as pip 9.0.1 (your version might be different than mine) 4. You need to install visual basic C++ Python complier. You can download that from Download link 5. Then you install to install libxml which python library used by scrapy. You download it by writing a command pip install libxml into command prompt. but if you face some problem in pip installation you can download it from libxml package according to your system architecture. Open command prompt into that download directory and pip install NAME_OF_PACKAGE.whl 6. Install pywin32 from Download link. Be sure you download the architecture (win32 or amd64) that matches your system 7. Then open command prompt and run this command pip install scrapy I hope this will help in successful installing scrapy 8. For Reference use can your these links Scrapy official Page and Blog on how to install scrapy on windows

Solution 4:

How to install Scrapy 1.4 on Python 3.6 on Windows 8.1 Pro x64

pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
mkvirtualenv my_scrapy_project

I advice to use virtualenv. In my example I am using name my_scrapy_project for my virtual environment. If you want to go out of virtualenv, simply type deactivate, if you want to go back into, simply type workon my_scrapy_project.

pip install lxml-4.1.1-cp36-cp36m-win32.whl

pip install scrapy

And that is all, it should work.

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