Python Writing Program To Iterate A Csv File To Match Field And Save The Result In A Different Data File
I am trying to write a program to do the following : specify a field from a record in a csv file called data. specify a field from a record in a csv file called log. compare the p
Solution 1:
Joining two files by columns (rowcount and a Specific Column[not defined]), and returning the results limited to the columns of the left/first file.
import petl
log = petl.fromcsv('log.txt').addrownumbers() # Load csv/txt file into PETL table, and add row numbers
log_columns = len(petl.header(log)) # Get the amount of columns in the log file
data = petl.fromcsv('data.txt').addrownumbers() # Load csv/txt file into PETL table, and add row numbers
joined_files = petl.join(log, data, key=['row', 'SpecificField']) # Join the tables using row and a specific field
joined_files = petl.cut(joined_files, *range(1, log_columns)) # Remove the extra columns obtained from right table
petl.tocsv(joined_files, 'resultfile.csv') # Output results to csv file
Also Do not forget to pip install (version used for this example):
pip install petl==1.0.11
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