Access Current Time Step In Scipy.integrate.odeint Within The Function
Solution 1:
Of course you can hack something together that might work.
You could log t
but you have to be aware that the values
might not be constantly increasing. This depends on the ODE algorithm and how it works (forward, backward, and central finite differences).
But it will give you an idea where about you are.
logger = [] # visible in odefuncdefodefunc(P,t):
x = P[0]
y = P[1]
z = P[2]
if logger: # if the list is not emptyif logger[-1] > 2.5: # then read the last value print('hua!')
if A * x - B * x * y < 0.6:
dxdt = A/5 * x
dydt = -C * y + D * x * y
dzdt = - B * z * y
dxdt = A * x - B * x * y
dydt = -C * y + D * x * y
dzdt = 0
dPdt = np.ravel([dxdt, dydt, dzdt])
return dPdt
Solution 2:
As pointed out in the another answer, time may not be strictly increasing at each call to the ODE function in odeint
, especially for stiff problems.
The most robust way to handle this kind of discontinuity in the ode function is to use an event to find the location of the zero of (A * x - B * x * y) - 0.6
in your example. For a discontinuous solution, use a terminal event to stop the computation precisely at the zero, and then change the ode function. In solve_ivp
you can do this with the events
parameter. See the solve ivp documentation and specifically the examples related to the cannonball trajectories. odeint
does not support events, and solve_ivp
has an LSODA method available that calls the same Fortran library as odeint
Here is a short example, but you may want to additionally check that sol1
reached the terminal event before solving for sol2
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
tend = 10defdiscontinuity_zero(t, y):
return y[0] - 10
discontinuity_zero.terminal = Truedefode_func1(t, y):
return y
defode_func2 (t, y):
return -y**2
sol1 = solve_ivp(ode_func1, t_span=[0, tend], y0=[1], events=discontinuity_zero, rtol=1e-8)
t1 = sol1.t[-1]
y1 = [sol1.y[0, -1]]
print(f'time={t1} y={y1} discontinuity_zero={discontinuity_zero(t1, y1)}')
sol2 = solve_ivp(ode_func2, t_span=[t1, tend], y0=y1, rtol=1e-8)
plt.plot(sol1.t, sol1.y[0,:])
plt.plot(sol2.t, sol2.y[0,:])
This prints the following, where the time of the discontinuity is accurate to 7 digits.
time=2.302584885712467 y=[10.000000000000002] discontinuity_zero=1.7763568394002505e-15
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