Python: Find Keywords In A Text File From Another Text File
Take this invoice.txt for example Invoice Number INV-3337 Order Number 12345 Invoice Date January 25, 2016 Due Date January 31, 2016 And this is what dict.txt looks like: Invoic
Solution 1:
This should work. You can load your invoice data into a list, and your dict data into a set for easy lookup.
withopen('C:\invoice.txt') as f:
invoice_data = [line.strip() for line in f if line.strip()]
withopen('C:\dict.txt') as f:
dict_data = set([line.strip() for line in f if line.strip()])
Now iterate over invoices, 2 at a time and print out the line sets that match.
for i in range(0, len(invoice_data), 2):
if invoice_data[i] in dict_data:
print(invoive_data[i: i + 2])
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