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Build Python Scripts And Call Methods From C#

Is there any way to make this scenario work? There is a Python script. It is built into a DLL by running this script with IronPython: import clr clr.CompileModules('CompiledScript.

Solution 1:

Sort of. You cannot access the Python methods directly from C# code. Unless you are playing with C# 4.0 and the dynamic keyword or you are very, very special ;). However, you can compile an IronPython class to a DLL and then use IronPython hosting in C# to access the methods (this is for IronPython 2.6 and .NET 2.0).

Create a C# program like this:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using IronPython.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;
// we get access to Action and Func on .Net 2.0 through Microsoft.Scripting.Utilsusing Microsoft.Scripting.Utils;

        publicstaticvoidMain(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            ScriptEngine pyEngine = Python.CreateEngine();

            Assembly myclass = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.GetFullPath("MyClass.dll"));
            ScriptScope pyScope = pyEngine.Runtime.ImportModule("MyClass");

            // Get the Python Classobject MyClass = pyEngine.Operations.Invoke(pyScope.GetVariable("MyClass"));

            // Invoke a method of the class
            pyEngine.Operations.InvokeMember(MyClass, "somemethod", newobject[0]);

            // create a callable function to 'somemethod'
            Action SomeMethod2 = pyEngine.Operations.GetMember<Action>(MyClass, "somemethod");

            // create a callable function to 'isodd'
            Func<int, bool> IsOdd = pyEngine.Operations.GetMember<Func<int, bool>>(MyClass, "isodd");

            Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . ");

Make a trivial Python class like this:

        print "I'm in a compiled class (I hope)"defsomemethod(self):
        print "in some method"defisodd(self, n):
        return1 == n % 2

Compile it (I use SharpDevelop) but the clr.CompileModules method should also work. Then shove the compiled MyClass.dll into the directory where the compiled C# program lives and run it. You should get this as the result:

Hello World!
I'm in a compiled class (I hope)in some method
in some method
Press any keytocontinue . . .

This incorporates Jeff's more direct solution that eliminates having to create and compile a small Python 'stub' and also shows how you can create C# function calls that access the methods in the Python class.

Solution 2:

The clr.CompileModules is purely a load-time optimization - it doesn't make the scripts directly available to a static languge like C#. You'll need to host the IronPython runtime, and then you can load the DLL into the runtime and use IronPython's hosting interfaces to access it.

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