Overriding Keras Predict Function
I have Keras model that accepts inputs which have 4D shapes as (n, height, width, channel). However, my data generator is producing 2D arrays as(n, width*height). So, the predict f
Solution 1:
You don't override the predict, you simply add a Reshape
layer at the beginning of your model.
With the functional API:
from keras.layers import *
inp = Input((width*heigth,))
first = Reshape((width,height,1))(inp)
..... other layers.....
model = Model(inp, outputFromTheLastLayer)
With a sequential model:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Reshape((width,height,1), input_shape = (width*height,)))
About the output shape.
Since you have 5 outputs, you need your targe array to be a list of five arrays:
raw_train_target = [target1,target2,target3,target4,target5]
If you cannot do that, and raw_train_target
is one single arary with the targets all following a sequence, you can try to use a concatenate layer at the end:
output = Concatenate()(outputs)
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