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Converting An Object Into A Subclass In Python?

Lets say I have a library function that I cannot change that produces an object of class A, and I have created a class B that inherits from A. What is the most straightforward way

Solution 1:

This can be done if the initializer of the subclass can handle it, or you write an explicit upgrader. Here is an example:

        self.x = 1classB(A):def__init__(self):
        super(B, self).__init__()
        self.x += 1

a = A()
b = a
b.__class__ = B

assert b.x == 2

Solution 2:

Since the library function returns an A, you can't make it return a B without changing it.

One thing you can do is write a function to take the fields of the A instance and copy them over into a new B instance:

classA: # defined by the librarydef__init__(self, field):
        self.field = field

classB(A): # your fancy new classdef__init__(self, field, field2):
        self.field = field
        self.field2 = field2 # B has some fancy extra stuffdefb_from_a(a_instance, field2):
    """Given an instance of A, return a new instance of B."""return B(a_instance.field, field2)

a = A("spam") # this could be your A instance from the library
b = b_from_a(a, "ham") # make a new B which has the data from aprint b.field, b.field2 # prints "spam ham"

Edit: depending on your situation, composition instead of inheritance could be a good bet; that is your B class could just contain an instance of A instead of inheriting:

classB2: # doesn't have to inherit from Adef__init__(self, a, field2):
        self._a = a # using composition insteadself.field2 = field2

    @propertydeffield(self): # pass accesses to areturnself._a.field
    # could provide setter, deleter, etc

a = A("spam")
b = B2(a, "ham")

print b.field, b.field2 # prints "spam ham"

Solution 3:

you can actually change the .__class__ attribute of the object if you know what you're doing:

In [1]: classA(object):
   ...:     deffoo(self):
   ...:         return"foo"

In [2]: classB(object):
   ...:     deffoo(self):
   ...:         return"bar"

In [3]: a = A()

In [4]:
Out[4]: 'foo'

In [5]: a.__class__
Out[5]: __main__.A

In [6]: a.__class__ = B

In [7]:
Out[7]: 'bar'

Solution 4:

Monkeypatch the library?

For example,

import other_library
other_library.function_or_class_to_replace = new_function

Poof, it returns whatever you want it to return.

Monkeypatch to return an instance of B?

After you call obj = A(), change the result so obj.class = B?

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