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Overcoming Python's Limitations Regarding Instance Methods

It seems that Python has some limitations regarding instance methods. Instance methods can't be copied. Instance methods can't be pickled. This is problematic for me, because I w

Solution 1:

You might be able to do this using copy_reg.pickle. In Python 2.6:

import copy_reg
import types

    return (getattr, (m.__self__, m.__func__.__name__))

copy_reg.pickle(types.MethodType, reduce_method)

This does not store the code of the method, just its name; but that will work correctly in the common case.

This makes both pickling and copying work!

Solution 2:

REST - Representation State Transfer. Just send state, not methods.

To transfer an object X from A to B, we do this.

  1. A encode the state of X in some handy, easy-to-parse notation. JSON is popular.

  2. A sends the JSON text to B.

  3. B decodes the state of X form JSON notation, reconstructing X.

B must have the class definitions for X's class for this to work. B must have all functions and other class definitions on which X's class depends. In short, both A and B have all the definitions. Only a representation of the object's state gets moved around.

See any article on REST.

Solution 3:

pickle the instance and then access the method after unpickling it. Pickling a method of an instance doesn't make sense because it relies on the instance. If it doesn't, then write it as an independent function.

import pickle

class A:
     def f(self):
         print 'hi'

x = A()
f = open('tmp', 'w')
r = pickle.dump(x, f)
f = open('tmp', 'r')
pickled_x = pickle.load(f)

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