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Showing posts from July, 2024

Overcoming Python's Limitations Regarding Instance Methods

It seems that Python has some limitations regarding instance methods. Instance methods can't b… Read more Overcoming Python's Limitations Regarding Instance Methods

How To Write A Text List To A Defined Csv File? Python Selenium Scraping

I am new to Python, so please forgive me if this is a simple issue. I am web scraping an entire exp… Read more How To Write A Text List To A Defined Csv File? Python Selenium Scraping

Tornado One Handler Blocks For Another

Using python/tornado I wanted to set up a little 'trampoline' server that allows two device… Read more Tornado One Handler Blocks For Another

Beautifulsoup Scraping: Loading Div Instead Of The Content

Noob here. I'm trying to scrape search results from this website:… Read more Beautifulsoup Scraping: Loading Div Instead Of The Content

Cannot Open Two Google Chrome Instances With Different Profiles Using Selenium Web Driver For Chrome In Python

I am using Selenium WebDriver for Chrome to open two instances of Google Chrome with two different … Read more Cannot Open Two Google Chrome Instances With Different Profiles Using Selenium Web Driver For Chrome In Python

Why Python Print My Output Two Times When I Import The Same File In Which I Am Printing?

I have been playing around with python as I am a beginner in it. I wrote following class Parent whi… Read more Why Python Print My Output Two Times When I Import The Same File In Which I Am Printing?

Pyqt Osx Media Keys

I'm creating a music player app with PyQT and I've defined a couple them as toolbar buttons… Read more Pyqt Osx Media Keys

Sqlite Python Does Not Update Table

I have the following code: import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect('testDB') cur = con.cursor… Read more Sqlite Python Does Not Update Table

How To Compute The Mitered Offset Of A Polygon Using Its Straight Skeleton

I have a Straight Skeleton algorithm implemented in Python and would like to use it to offset the e… Read more How To Compute The Mitered Offset Of A Polygon Using Its Straight Skeleton

How Do I Find A Prime Number Using Recursion In Python

I have to find out whether number(N) is a prime or not using recursion, no loops are allowed. I'… Read more How Do I Find A Prime Number Using Recursion In Python

Finding Folders Back Based On A Predefined Folder Structure

We've a dynamic folder structure syntax set up like: :projectRoot:/dev/model/:parentHierarchy:/… Read more Finding Folders Back Based On A Predefined Folder Structure

Google App Engine Datastore Datetime To Date In Python?

I've always hated the headache of managine dates, times, datetimes, and the various formats and… Read more Google App Engine Datastore Datetime To Date In Python?

Python Pylab Pcolor Options For Publication Quality Plots

I am trying to make DFT (discrete fourier transforms) plots using pcolor in python. I have previous… Read more Python Pylab Pcolor Options For Publication Quality Plots

Pyspark Error With Udf: Py4j.py4jexception: Method __getnewargs__([]) Does Not Exist Error

I am trying to solve the following error (I am using the databricks platform and spark 2.0) tweets_… Read more Pyspark Error With Udf: Py4j.py4jexception: Method __getnewargs__([]) Does Not Exist Error

Converting An Object Into A Subclass In Python?

Lets say I have a library function that I cannot change that produces an object of class A, and I h… Read more Converting An Object Into A Subclass In Python?

How To Debug Underlying C++ Library From Python Interface?

I am using apollocaffe and Reinspect. Apollocaffe is in c++ library and Reinspect is in python. Rei… Read more How To Debug Underlying C++ Library From Python Interface?

I Can Print A Local Variable But Not Return It (python 2.7)

EDIT: Adding in upperline = [] lowerline = [] above the for loop seems to allow the function to b… Read more I Can Print A Local Variable But Not Return It (python 2.7)

How To Restore Punctuation Using Python?

I would like to restore commas and full stops in text without punctuation. For example, let's t… Read more How To Restore Punctuation Using Python?

Python: Get Download Link From Javascript Button

I am trying to get my script to download subtitles from The problem is that the d… Read more Python: Get Download Link From Javascript Button

Using Django To Summarize Report

I'm trying to produce a table that will show the total maturity amounts for each financial inst… Read more Using Django To Summarize Report

Return Database_name == ':memory:' Or 'mode=memory' In Database_name Typeerror: Argument Of Type 'windowspath' Is Not Iterable

I am practicing Django but when I command python makemigration and python migra… Read more Return Database_name == ':memory:' Or 'mode=memory' In Database_name Typeerror: Argument Of Type 'windowspath' Is Not Iterable

How To Convert A String To Unicode/byte String In Python 3?

I know this works: a = u'\u65b9\u6cd5\uff0c\u5220\u9664\u5b58\u50a8\u5728' print(a) # 方法,删除… Read more How To Convert A String To Unicode/byte String In Python 3?

Plotting Two Dictionaries In One Bar Chart With Matplotlib

I have these two dictionaries that I want to plot in the same bar chart using Matplotlib: accuracy_… Read more Plotting Two Dictionaries In One Bar Chart With Matplotlib

Send A "304 Not Modified" For Images Stored In The Datastore

I store user-uploaded images in the Google App Engine datastore as db.Blob, as proposed in the docs… Read more Send A "304 Not Modified" For Images Stored In The Datastore

What Protocols Of Tkinter Toplevel Widget Are There

When using Tk.protocol arguments could be “WM_DELETE_WINDOW”, “WM_SAVE_YOURSELF” and “WM_TAKE_FOCUS… Read more What Protocols Of Tkinter Toplevel Widget Are There

I Have A Problem With Plotting Sphere And A Curve On It

I am trying to plot a curve on a sphere but I can not plot them at the same time. I identified some… Read more I Have A Problem With Plotting Sphere And A Curve On It

Max Integer Value Of Python3

What is the max value of integer in python for 64-bit system. I tried sys.maxsize and I tried incr… Read more Max Integer Value Of Python3

How Would I Make A Simple Encryption/decryption Program?

I'd like to know (just as the question says) how to make a simple encryption and decryption pro… Read more How Would I Make A Simple Encryption/decryption Program?

Netcdf And Python: Finding The Closest Lon/lat Index Given Actual Lon/lat Values

I'd like to be able to find the lon/lat coordinate indices of the closest location to a lon/lat… Read more Netcdf And Python: Finding The Closest Lon/lat Index Given Actual Lon/lat Values

Django.db.utils.operationalerror: No Such Table: Auth_user

After I install Django-userena,there is an error my django version :1.9.5 I just install django-use… Read more Django.db.utils.operationalerror: No Such Table: Auth_user

How Could A Mixin Or Factory Look Like Using Modern Python 3?

Imagine, we have a some files: sceme.*.py ... In file '… Read more How Could A Mixin Or Factory Look Like Using Modern Python 3?

How To Make More Than 10 Subplots In A Figure?

I am trying to make a 5x4 grid of subplots, and from looking at examples it seems to me that the be… Read more How To Make More Than 10 Subplots In A Figure?

I Try To Put Some Informations From A Xml File To A Sql Database Using Python

When I try to put in a SQL database the subelement attribute and text, I get this: Failed insertin… Read more I Try To Put Some Informations From A Xml File To A Sql Database Using Python

Paramiko Capturing Command Output

I have an issue that has been giving me a headache for a few days. I am using the Paramiko module w… Read more Paramiko Capturing Command Output

How To Integrate Excel =rtd() Function In Python

I am using a real-time-data from a proprietary application which provides real time weather data. A… Read more How To Integrate Excel =rtd() Function In Python

C++ Server Cannot Read My Message From Python Client Via Socket

I have wrote a python client script to send message to the server via tcp. import socket TCP_IP = … Read more C++ Server Cannot Read My Message From Python Client Via Socket

Unpack Regex List Comprehension

Did some research, and asked someone on Stack if they could help me with a polynomial converter to … Read more Unpack Regex List Comprehension

How To Get Python Mongo Aggregate Explain Using Db.command?

Starting with MongoDB 3.2 explain() uses the default verbosity mode of the explain command, allPl… Read more How To Get Python Mongo Aggregate Explain Using Db.command?

Jinja2.exceptions.templatesyntaxerror: Expected Token 'end Of Print Statement', Got 'posted'

I'm new to programming and recently a friend of mine gave me a project to work on in order to g… Read more Jinja2.exceptions.templatesyntaxerror: Expected Token 'end Of Print Statement', Got 'posted'

How To Create Django Form Choice List From Query In View?

I have a Django form where I would like to use dynamic choice list from a query in my view. Here is… Read more How To Create Django Form Choice List From Query In View?

Multiple Model Accuracy Json Result Format Using Python

I am building a multiple model and i am getting results with 7 models accuracy, i need those result… Read more Multiple Model Accuracy Json Result Format Using Python

Fat Band Using Matplotlib In Python

I would like to plot a line with varying thickness using matplotlib in python. To be clearer, I hav… Read more Fat Band Using Matplotlib In Python

Is There A Way To Reverse Stem In Python Nltk?

I have a list of stems in NLTK/python and want to get the possible words that create that stem. Is … Read more Is There A Way To Reverse Stem In Python Nltk?

Have A Correct Datetime With Correct Timezone

I am using feedparser in order to get RSS data. Here is my code : >>> import datetime >… Read more Have A Correct Datetime With Correct Timezone

Rounding Floats So That They Sum To Precisely 1

I have a rather gnarly bit of code that must more-or-less randomly generate a bunch of percentages,… Read more Rounding Floats So That They Sum To Precisely 1

Python Iterating Through Two Files By Line At The Same Time

I am trying to compare columns in two files to see if the values match, and if there is a match I w… Read more Python Iterating Through Two Files By Line At The Same Time

Can't Grab Two Fields From A Webpage In Desired Way

I've created a script in python to fetch two fields (2nd and 3rd columns) time and currency fro… Read more Can't Grab Two Fields From A Webpage In Desired Way

Is There A Way I Can Grab A Column Of A Table That Span Over Several Pages Using Python?

I am trying to get the tickers of ETFs from a table that spans over 46 pages:… Read more Is There A Way I Can Grab A Column Of A Table That Span Over Several Pages Using Python?

Find The Median Of Each Row Of A 2 Dimensional Array

I am trying to find the median of each row of a 2 dimensional array. This is what I have tried so f… Read more Find The Median Of Each Row Of A 2 Dimensional Array

Python Pickling Error When Using Sessions

In my django app I was creating an extended user profile using session vars. But when registration … Read more Python Pickling Error When Using Sessions

Valueerror: Array Contains Nan Or Infinity In _assert_all_finite During Linearsvc

I was trying to classify the wine data set here -… Read more Valueerror: Array Contains Nan Or Infinity In _assert_all_finite During Linearsvc

Return All The Variables At Once

hey i am working on data validation and want to compare multiple regex conditions variable if all s… Read more Return All The Variables At Once

Update Value Of Dict2 From Dict1 But In A Specific Place In Dict2

Having 2 dictionaries I want to insert the values of dict1 into dict2 but in a specific place in di… Read more Update Value Of Dict2 From Dict1 But In A Specific Place In Dict2

Passing Arguments To Execfile In Python 2.7

I need to call one python script from another script,I'm trying to do it with the help of execf… Read more Passing Arguments To Execfile In Python 2.7

Limit Neural Network Output To Subset Of Trained Classes

Is it possible to pass a vector to a trained neural network so it only chooses from a subset of the… Read more Limit Neural Network Output To Subset Of Trained Classes

Tkinter Mysql - How To Get Different Information While Using Entries Whith The 'fetch' Method?

I have in my appliction an entry to enter 'mysql-code' and search information from database… Read more Tkinter Mysql - How To Get Different Information While Using Entries Whith The 'fetch' Method?

How To Use Requests Library Without System-configured Proxies

If I supply None or an empty dict to the proxies parameter, requests will automatically fall back t… Read more How To Use Requests Library Without System-configured Proxies

Unicodedecodeerror: 'utf-8' Codec Can't Decode Byte 0x96 In Position 15: Invalid Start Byte

import csv import pandas as pd db = input('Enter the dataset name:') table = db+'.csv&#… Read more Unicodedecodeerror: 'utf-8' Codec Can't Decode Byte 0x96 In Position 15: Invalid Start Byte

Get Average Grade For 10 Students - Python

I have a program that asks a user to enter a Student NETID and then what grades they got on 5 assig… Read more Get Average Grade For 10 Students - Python

Python "while X:" Statement

Why the following while loop is exited when x reaches 0? x = 1 while x: print(x) x -= 1 It… Read more Python "while X:" Statement

Display Stream With Ffmpeg, Python And Opencv

Situation : I have a basler camera connected to a raspberry pi, and I am trying to livestream it… Read more Display Stream With Ffmpeg, Python And Opencv

Using Yield Print Output

This is a continuation from here. I am using yield statement instead of return. This is the code: c… Read more Using Yield Print Output